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Top 3 things to do in Petite-Rivière-Saint-François, Charlevoix

Top 3 things to do in Petite-Rivière-Saint-François, Charlevoix

November 10, 2023

1. Visit Le Massif de Charlevoix

One of the must-visit attractions in Petite-Rivière-Saint-François is Le Massif de Charlevoix. This ski resort offers breathtaking views of the St. Lawrence River and is known for its impressive slopes. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced skier, Le Massif de Charlevoix has something for everyone. During the summer months, you can also enjoy various outdoor activities such as hiking and mountain biking.

2. Explore the Baie-Saint-Paul

Located just a short drive away from Petite-Rivière-Saint-François, Baie-Saint-Paul is a charming town that is worth exploring. Known for its rich artistic heritage, Baie-Saint-Paul is home to numerous art galleries and boutiques. Take a stroll through the picturesque streets, visit the local museums, and indulge in delicious regional cuisine at one of the many restaurants. Don't forget to try the famous Charlevoix cheese, a local specialty.

3. Discover the Les Moulins de l'Isle-aux-Coudres

A short ferry ride from Petite-Rivière-Saint-François will take you to the beautiful Isle-aux-Coudres, where you can discover Les Moulins de l'Isle-aux-Coudres. This historic site showcases traditional windmills that were once used for grinding grain. Explore the mills, learn about their history, and enjoy the scenic views of the island. You can also rent a bike and ride around the island to admire the stunning landscapes and charming villages.

Here is a short list of cottages for rent Petite-Rivière-Saint-François, Charlevoix

Starting from $470 / 2 nights
Starting from $750 / 2 week nights
Starting from $1,450 / 2 week-end nights
30% off
Valid from June 30 to July 30, 2024 ★ NEW IN CHARLEVOIX ★ SPA ★ POOL TABLE ★ BEACH (nearby) ★ SKI LE MASSIF ★ NATURE IN PROFUSION ★

These are just a few of the many amazing things to do in Petite-Rivière-Saint-François, Charlevoix. Whether you are a nature lover, an art enthusiast, or an adventure seeker, this region has something to offer for everyone. Plan your visit and immerse yourself in the beauty and culture of this charming destination.

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